The Launch of Kenya Country Board

Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International (Africa Harvest) launched the Kenya Country Board on 26th April 2024 at Jacaranda Hotel, Westlands, Nairobi. The event was graced by members of the Kenya Country Board, and Africa Harvest staff led by the Chief Executive Officer, Dr Florence Wambugu.

The members of the Kenya Country Board are Mr. Nicholas Nyaga (chair), Finance Administration Business Development and Managing Companies; Capt. Gilbert M. Kibe, Aviation Consultant specializing in Policy Making and Strategic Direction; Dr. Wilson Songa, former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture; Attorney Kingori Kariuki, Africa Harvest’s Legal Counsel; Emily Wangari, OGW, Senior State Counsel (Retired); Philip Wamahiu, Director, Integrated Forestry Consultancy and Management Services Limited and Dr. Felister Makini, Deputy Director General Crops, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research
Organization (KALRO).

“I am truly honored by this step our organization is taking. When you have a vision, God always brings people to help you propel it, and the board plays a big role in an organization’s mission.” Dr. Florence Wambugu noted in her opening remarks. She went further to state that there is a need for each country to have its board because countries have unique challenges and a local board can address them more effectively. The international board will work as an umbrella for the local boards, offering overall leadership and guidance.

For the sake of new members of the Kenya Country Board, Dr. Florence Wambugu extensively
discussed the organization’s five-year strategic plan that is anchored on the six objectives. She also highlighted the ongoing DTCs 4 Youth Jobs Creation project and the impact the project has had on the Kenyan youth while sharing what the project aims to achieve in the future. Restore Africa (RESAf) and the Gene Editing Technology projects were also discussed underscoring ongoing activities and goals.

The vice chair of the International Board, Capt. Gilbert Kibe mentioned that in line with creating local boards in Africa where Africa Harvest has interventions, Zambia and South Africa have already established their boards. He also pointed out that Africa Harvest intends to be an internationally accredited organization to operate as a foreign company headquartered in Kenya. “International accreditation will enable Africa Harvest to access more partners and collaborators to run more programs.” Capt. Gilbert Kibe said.

“When I went through the experience of the selected members of the Kenya Country Board, I was more convinced that we couldn’t have gotten better brains for this board.” Kingori Kariuki, Legal Counsel, noted in his introductory remarks. He stressed the importance of local boards and noted that he is optimistic that they will take the organization to the next level.

Mr. Nicholas Nyaga, chair of the Kenya Country Board, urged members to familiarize themselves with the charter outlining their roles and responsibilities. These responsibilities include supporting the CEO in fundraising for the institution’s sustenance, providing strategic advice on project and program implementation, offering policy guidance to the Foundation, and electing new board members.

The event concluded with the official launch of the Kenya Country Board. The CEO welcomed the new board members to Africa Harvest and gifted each of them with Africa Harvest merchandise.

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