Meet Dr Florence Wambugu, a plant pathologist reshaping food production

Meet Dr Florence Wambugu, a plant pathologist reshaping food production

“Let us first invest in high-yielding varieties and bring in investors to put money into irrigation systems and soil fertility, that is make fertilizer cheaper by producing it locally. Then educate farmers on how to store surplus harvest to avoid losses. Then increase mechanization in ploughing and processing the harvest. For instance, instead of farmers doing manual shelling of groundnuts, they use a machine.”

Read the Full Article Here

2 thoughts on “Meet Dr Florence Wambugu, a plant pathologist reshaping food production”

  1. Paul mwangi December 30, 2023

    GOD bless you doctor.. you’re doing good job

  2. Dr. Florence Wambugu. Thank u
    You for your work that’s contributing to Kenya’s food security through improving our traditional and climate resilient ‘forgotten crops’. You can count on the support of many – I see yours and Africa Harvest positive impact in 2030 Agenda and the SDGs – especially- hunger, poverty, gender equality and empowerment of women and girls .



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